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Meeting together for an assembly is a key part of our school day.

These are held at set times during the school week and are planned as part of our programme of personal development.  Our assemblies are times of celebration, learning and reflection and support us in building a sense of community.  In addition to this, we learn about world faiths and British Values and love to meet together to celebrate, sing, think, reflect and learn. Our assemblies promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 

Our weekly timetable is as follows:

  EYFS and KS1 KS 2
Monday Values Assembly Child of the Week Celebration
Tuesday SInging Assembly Values Assembly
Wednesday Child of the Week Celebration Singing Assembly
Thursday PSHE/Values in class PSHE/Values in class
Friday Commendable Assembly led by different classes Class teacher led assembly

In addition to this, we have a whole host of special assemblies. Here are some recent examples:

  • Harvest Festival, with donations to Enfield Foodbank
  • Black History Month assembly
  • Anti- bullying week assembly
  • Holocaust Memorial Day assembly
  • Safer-Internet assembly
  • Book Week assembly
  • Art Week assembly
  • Diwali
  • School Council led assemblies
  • Carol singing