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PSHE and Relationships Education at Oakthorpe Primary School teaches the characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other peers and adults. We believe that children should learn about relationships as well as the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, human sexuality and sexual health in an age-appropriate way. This goes beyond learning about relationships, to include puberty, how a baby is conceived and born, body ownership, and safeguarding. 

PSHE is taught through three strands:

Relationships Education
Relationships education supports children to develop a range of respectful and healthy relationships ( e.g. families and friendships), exploring different emotions and learning how to respond to life events through managing these emotions.  

Health Education
Health education supports children to understand their mental health, the risks of using drugs and alcohol and prepares children for puberty, giving them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene. 

Living in the wider world 

Living in the wider world gives children opportunities to understand how to contribute positively to both their local and global communities. 

Through the three strands of PSHE at Oakthorpe we will develop resilient and respectful children who make safe and healthy lifestyle choices and understand how to ask for help.