SEND and Inclusion
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Oakthorpe Primary School
At Oakthorpe Primary school we believe that all children have a right to feel safe, happy and valued at school in order to maximise their learning, progress and well-being. We are an inclusive school and believe that the starting point for everything is relationships, collaboration and open communication. Our staff are committed to working closely with parents and professionals to ensure the best outcomes for our children. Oakthorpe Primary School is a happy and welcoming environment.
At Oakthorpe we believe our broad and balanced, language rich curriculum will promote a love of learning. Our curriculum is planned so that every child is given the skills and knowledge to make excellent progress within school and to prepare them to make a meaningful contribution to the wider world. We provide high quality teaching, high expectations and ambition, educational opportunities and experiences so all children can access the full curriculum with additional support and reasonable adjustments made to enable this.
All our staff are committed to identifying children with Special educational needs and disabilities as early as possible. Staff have a shared responsibility to make appropriate provision for children with additional needs and strive to maximise children’s outcomes.
If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, development or well-being please talk to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. They may arrange a further joint meeting with a member of the SEN Team.
Our SEND team
Class teachers and Teaching and Learning assistants are supported by a range of staff including members of the SEN Team.
- Mrs Sefer SENCo
- Miss McCarthy – Class teacher and SEN Lead
- Mrs Sesto – Parent Support Advisor/attendance lead
- Mrs Papadopoulos Speech and Language Lead
- Mrs Demetrios – Social, Emotional and Mental Health Lead
- Mrs Polycarpou – Early Years SEN Lead
- Miss Asim – Specific Learning Difficulties and Complex Needs Lead
Please contact any member of the SEN Team by emailing or calling the office on 0208 807 4689.
The SEN Governor is Reshma Chandrini and she may be contacted by emailing the office at
Inclusion Quality Mark Flagship Status
We are very proud to be an Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) Flagship School. This is the highest level of a nationally recognised award and validation of our inclusive practice and ongoing commitment to developing educational inclusion.
You can read our IQM report here: Oakthorpe School Flagship Report
We are very proud of the fact that the IQM assessor recognised our commitment to all children. In summary, they said:
“Oakthorpe Primary School is a school that lives and breathes inclusion. This is obvious in their day-to-day practice, in the ethos and culture and the general approach. All staff are on board and take their responsibility for meeting the needs of all children in their classroom very seriously. They are constantly learning and pushing ahead to find the next thing that will improve the life chances of the children in their care.”
The Enfield Inclusion Charter
This charter sets out a shared vision for inclusion and gives 8 principles by which schools, education settings and related services can achieve inclusive education for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
The Charter has been developed by children and young people, head teachers, teachers, parents and carers, council officers, health partners and voluntary sector organisations through a series of workshops, focus groups and discussions of best practice.
At the heart of this charter, is a culture where we embrace difference; where barriers are minimised or removed; and where the everyday lived experience, interests and needs of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are better understood.
Schools and settings who sign up to this Charter commit to both the principles and approach, ensuring more appropriate educational choice for pupils and enabling an environment that promotes peer support and embraces individual differences. This means more of our young people can be educated locally, so they can contribute to, and be supported by, their local community.
Little Oaks - Specialist Resources Provision (SRP)
At Oakthorpe Primary School we have an Specialist Resourced Provision (SRP) that has 10 places for children with Speech, Language and Communication difficulties (including autism). Children in this specialist class are currently from KS1 and Year 3.
You can find our SRP policy here
How are children placed into the SRP?
Children need an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) to attend our SRP. We work with the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities team at Enfield to admit pupils to our SRP.
Referrals are sent to us by the SEND Assessment Team . We consider the referral paperwork and will visit the child in their current education setting and assess against our admission criteria as to whether we can meet the child’s needs.
If we feel we are able to meet the child’s needs, we would invite you to meet with us and look around our SRP. This would be followed by the admissions process.
Our SRP teacher is: Mr Liam Cook
Our SRP support staff are: Ms Besime Kiole and Ms Primrose Downie.
Who to contact for more information or if you have a concern or complaint
Please contact the SENCo: Mrs. Sefer on 0208 887 7386, or email the school office at
Oakthorpe SEN Governor is Ms Reshma Chandrani; please ask the office to make an appointment.
For concerns regarding your own child please speak directly to your child’s class teacher in the first instance.
For information regarding Enfield’s provision for special educational needs and disabilities please go to: Enfield SEND offer
For independent parent support please contact:
SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service) at 07494280063
EPC (Every Parent and Child – supporting local families) Community House, 311 Fore Street, London N9 0PZ. 020 8373 6243. or Google
Please see our SEND policies below.
Paper copies can be obtained by contacting the school office.