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Medical and Welfare

At Oakthorpe the Health and Welfare of our pupils is paramount. We pride ourselves on the caring, nurturing and sensitive support provided in school.

When a child joins the school, parents/carers are asked to declare any medical conditions, including asthma, that require care within school. 

One of our Welfare Officers will arrange a meeting and complete a Health Care Plan (HCP). Health Care Plans are updated at least once a year or following a change to a medical condition. Please keep us up to date with any changes to your child's health. 

Food allergies should also be registered with our school meal provider.

Our Welfare Officers are:

Mrs Jane Hamza (Mon, Tues, Weds)

Mrs Cheryl Blowes (Thurs,Fri)

For further information, please see the guidelines and policies below:

Medicines in School

Should a child have to take any mediation during the school day as specifically instructed by the G.P. we are able to administer this medicine. However, before we do so, parents must provide consent.

 Medication should be provided in the original packaging giving clear administering instructions.

A consent form can be obtained from the office or from the documents below:

You can find lots of wellbeing information on the Personal Development section of our website.

The following website is a useful source of information Health for Kids